Three members of Czech expedition on Cho Oyu

Auto Čahy - poutákThree members of the Czech expedition Hannah Mountain Breath Cho Oyu 2006 reached the summit of the sixth highest mountain of the world. It was announced by the expedition cooperator who phoned to the head of the expedition Milan Wlasák today morning.

It happend on Saturday May 13 at 10 am CET. That means it was exactly 22 years after the first woman and Czechoslovak ascent of Cho Oyu.

The opening article about the expedition is here: Czech ski mountaineers aim to Cho Oyu

Cho Oyu (8201 m) od jihu z ledovce Ngozumpa, v popředí Gokyo Lake. (Autor Čahy)

Cho Oyu (8201 m) (Ilustrative photo from - by: Čahy)   [edit] 18:22 15.05.2006

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