Sad expedition

Broad Peak

smMartin Joistien’s web portal brought an info concerning expedition of George Kronthaler.

Markus Kronthaler died on 8th of Juli 2006 while descending from Himalayas Broad Peak (8047m). His body remains exposed between Broad Peak middle (central) 8016 and Broad Peak main 8047 at height about 8000m, in a place all climbers pass by. Now his brother George wants to take him down.

Broad Peak

foto by © Leopold Sulovský + team K2

“I don’t just want to bring by brother down – I want to change the ethical principles in high altitude climbing."

He estimates that expedition will costs about 50.000 Euro. Who wants can contribute.

Some source information you will find at (German)

Story about summit ethic you will find at (English) Mount

JirkaS   [edit] 13:00 13.12.2006

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